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Rhapsody Agar® for Pseudomonas spp.
RHAPSODY Agar® is a selective medium used for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in food products and environmental samples.
This method is officially certified by AFNOR Certification for the enumeration of presumptive Pseudomonas spp. in meat products, in comparison to the reference method NF EN ISO 13720 : 2010, under the reference number BKR 23/09-05/15 A and in dairy products, in comparison to the reference method XP ISO/TS 11059 : 2009, under the reference number BKR 23/0905/15 B.
Available in:
Dehydrated media: 500 g bottle. To be used according to the technical sheet with the RHAPSODY Selective Supplement (BS08908).
Also available in pre-poured medium: 20 Petri plates Ø 90 mm (BM16708).
In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.
This method is certified NF VALIDATION according to the validation protocol ISO 16140-2:2016, for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in meat products. Refer to the certificate available on the NF VALIDATION website for the end of validity date of the method. The reference method used for the validation is the standard NF EN ISO 13720 : 2010. This method is also certified NF VALIDATION according to the validation protocol ISO 16140-2:2016, for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in dairy products. Please refer to the certificate available on the NF VALIDATION website for the validity end date of the method. The reference method used for the validation is the XP ISO/TS 11059:2009 standard. The validated method allows the enumeration in 48 ± 3 hours without confirmation for meat products and dairy products.
The peptones constitute nutritive substrates necessary for the rapid growth of Pseudomonas.
The chromogenic substrate contained in the medium is hydrolyzed by all Pseudomonas. As a result, colonies present a light blue to blue-green coloration. The selective system and the cephalosporin insure the inhibition of most of the secondary flora.
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RHAPSODY Selective Supplement