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Sesame Salmonella Test®
SESAME Salmonella TEST ® represents an alternative method for the detection of Salmonella in human and animal products, as well as environmental samples. This method is destined to the detection of motile Salmonella and is not adapted to non-motile Salmonella (non-motile strains or that have lost their mobility).
The analyses can be declared negative in 37 hours after only two steps of pre-enrichment (Salmonella Enrichment) and differentiation (SESAME Salmonella Detection). The confirmation of presumptive positive samples is achieved using COMPASS® Salmonella Agar, which requires an additional 21 hours incubation.
SESAME Salmonella TEST ® is certified NF VALIDATION, under Attestation N° BKR 23/04-12/07, according to the validation protocol NF EN ISO 16140-2 of 2016 for all human food and feed products, as well as samples from the industrial production environment. The reference method used for the validation is standard NF EN ISO 6579-1 of 2017.
Refer to the certificate available on the NF VALIDATION website for the expiry date of the method. In the context of NF VALIDATION, test portions weighing more than 25 g have not been tested.
Available as dehydrated medium 500 g bottle.
Also available as ready-to-melt medium : 10 vials of 200 ml (BM13808).
In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.
The 1:10 dilution in Salmonella Enrichment broth is realized following the recommendations established in the EN ISO 6579 standard.
Pre-enrichment is performed by inoculating into Salmonella Enrichment and incubating for 16 to 22 hours.
Osmotic balance and buffered broth enable an optimal revivification of Salmonella strains.
Differentiation is performed by inoculation and incubation for 24 ± 3 hours of SESAME Salmonella Detection.
The excellent capacity of this semi-solid media to promote migration of Salmonella, combined with judicious selective agents allows the rapid identification of presumptive positive samples by simple visualization on the surface of the Petri plate.
Any needed confirmation steps are performed by inoculating onto COMPASS ® Salmonella Agar and incubating for 24 ± 3 hours.
The principle of this solid chromogenic, selective culture media is based on the specific revelation of esterase and β-glucosidase, which for the former is exclusive to Salmonella and for the latter which is lacking for the vast majority of strains.
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