Tryptone-Soy Agar Dehydrated Culture Media Biokar
Tryptone-Soy Agar Dehydrated Culture Media Biokar
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Tryptone-Soy Agar Dehydrated Culture Media Biokar
Tryptone-Soy Agar Dehydrated Culture Media Biokar

Tryptone-Soy Agar


Tryptone-Soy Agar, used as a base to be supplemented with blood, is prepared with selected starting materials which do not turn brown. It was specially designed to detect beta-hemolytic reactions and to favor the growth of particularly fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

The media can be used for the hemolysis test on presumed colonies of Bacillus cereus, according to the standard ISO 21871.

Available in 500g bottle.


The combination of casein digest and papaic digest of soybean meal leads to optimal growth due to synergy between the protein supply of casein and the carbohydrate supply of soybeans.

Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.
Sterile defibrinated sheep blood used to enrich the medium demonstrates the hemolysis characteristics of different bacteria.



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