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COMPASS® Bacillus cereus Agar
COMPASS® Bacillus cereus Agar is a method used for the detection and the enumeration of spores and vegetative forms of presumptive species belonging to the group Bacillus cereus in products destined for human and animal consumption.
Detection or enumeration can be performed directly on this medium without purification steps, biochemical confirmation (glucose fermentation, Voges-Proskauer, nitrate reduction and hemolysis testing) and/or microscopic examination normally done within the confines of standardized methods (notably, ISO 7923 and ISO 21871).
COMPASS® Bacillus cereus Agar and COMPASS® Bacillus Plus Agar are certified NF VALIDATION for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus group bacteria, without confirmation of colonies under the reference number BKR 23/06-02/10, of which the validity runs until February 5th, 2025.
Available as dehydrated base medium: 500 g bottle
Also available as ready-to-melt base medium (BM13008): 10 vials of 100 ml; or ready-to-use medium (BM12608): 20 Petri plates Ø 90 mm.
In each vial of 100 ml of base medium prepared (BK189HA) (as per the technical sheet directions) or by using the ready-to-melt (BM13008), aseptically add 1 ml of reconstituted selective supplement (BS06908 and BS08508).
In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.
COMPASS® Bacillus cereus Agar and COMPASS® Bacillus Plus Agar methods are NF VALIDATION certified for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus group bacteria, without colony confirmation, according to the 2016 ISO 16140- 2 validation protocol, for all food and feed products. Refer to the certificate available on the NF VALIDATION website for the end of validity date of the method. The reference method used for the validation is the ISO 7932 standard.
The chromogenic substrate included in the culture medium is hydrolyzed by the species belonging to the group Bacillus cereus; the colonies that develop present a characteristic pale green to blue-green coloration. The selective system used allows the inhibition of the majority of contaminating secondary flora.
The association between the chromogenic substrate and the selective agents in the formulation of COMPASS ® Bacillus cereus Agar allows a direct enumeration of characteristic colonies after only 24 hours incubation, without confirmation. The addition of nutritional supplement to the COMPASS Bacillus cereus Agar formulation is an NF Validation certified option that optimizes the growth of Bacillus from the cereus group and thus reduces the incubation time to 21 hours.
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