GN Broth Dehydrated Culture Media Alpha BioSciences
Alpha BioSciences

GN Broth


GN Broth is a liquid medium used for isolating and cultivating Gram-negative enteric microorganisms, especially Salmonella and Shigella spp. Enzymatic Digests of Casein and Animal Tissue supply nitrogen compounds and vitamins.

Dextrose and Mannitol are the fermentable carbohydrates. The higher concentration of Mannitol over Dextrose favors growth of mannitol-fermenting Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. over mannitol non-fermenting microorganisms such as Proteus spp. Mono- and Dipotassium Phosphates serve as buffering agents.

Sodium Citrate and Sodium Deoxycholate inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria and coliforms.

In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.

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GN (Gram Negative) Broth was formulated by Hajna to improve the recovery of Salmonella and Shigella from clinical and non-clinical specimens. The addition of casein and meat peptones supply amino acids and other nitrogenous substances which support bacterial growth.

Mannitol enhances the growth of Salmonella and Shigella. Sodium citrate and sodium deoxycholate are added to inhibit Gram-positive and some Gram-negative bacteria.



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