Schaedler Agar Dehydrated Culture Media Alpha BioSciences
Alpha BioSciences

Schaedler Agar


Schaedler Agar is used as a non-selective medium for cultivating and enumerating anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms from human fecal and gastrointestinal samples.

In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.

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Schaedler Agar is a solid medium for the isolation of anaerobic bacteria from water and clinical samples. Casein, Soy and Meat Peptones provide nitrogenous compounds essential for bacterial growth.

Yeast Extract is a source for B-complex vitamins and growth enhancer. Dextrose is the fermentable carbohydrate. Hemin stimulates microorganism growth. Sodium Chloride maintains the osmotic equilibrium.

Laked Blood may be added to the medium to increase pigmentation of Prevotella and Porphyromonas spp. Agar is the gelifying agent.

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