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InSite Listeria mono Glo Test
Environmental L. mono Test
Hygiena™ InSite™ L. mono Glo is an easy-to-use, self-contained, environmental sampling and screening test for Listeria species and Listeria monocytogenes (L. mono). Each device contains a chromogenic liquid media formulated with antibiotics, growth enhancers, and color-changing compounds specific to Listeria plus fluorescent compounds specific to Listeria monocytogenes.
Plus, all InSite™ test devices contain neutralizers in the wetting solution to help combat potential sanitizer side effects and improve sample collection. The two-step test changes color in the presence of Listeria species, while illumination with UV light reveals the presence of L.mono.
50 swabs per box
Note: This product cannot be shipped to the United-States.
How to Use
Easy to Interpret Color Results
It doesn’t take a microbiologist to understand these results. When Listeria species are present in a sample, the liquid media changes color from amber to black. If pathogenic Listeria, like L. mono, is present, the media will glow green under UV light
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