InSite Salmonella Test Environment swabbing Hygiena

InSite Salmonella Test


Environmental Salmonella Test

Hygiena™ InSite™ Salmonella is an easy-to-use, self-contained, environmental Salmonella spp. test. Each device contains a liquid medium formulated with growth enhancers and chromogenic compounds selective for Salmonella species. All InSite™ test devices contain neutralizers in the wetting solution to help combat potential sanitizer side effects and improve sample collection. 

Simply swab the test area and incubate. A change in color after 24-48 hours of incubation is considered presumptive positive for Salmonella species. No expensive lab equipment is required.

The InSite™ Chromo and InSite™ Salmonella test devices contain a neutralizing wetting solution on the swab, it is a mixture of Buffered Peptone Water and Neutralizing Broth.

50 swabs per box

Note: This product cannot be shipped to the United-States.


How to Use

Easy to Interpret Color Results

It doesn’t take a microbiologist to understand these results. When Salmonella species is present in a sample, the liquid medium changes color from purple to vivid yellow.

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