Acetamide Broth 7x5 mL in tubes Ready to Use culture media Biokar

Acetamide Broth 7x5 mL in tubes


Acetamide broth constitutes one of the confirmation media (in association with King B agar) used in water analysis for the detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is generally accepted that natural mineral water, spring water and bottled water should not contain this opportunistic pathogen. For reasons of public health, other types of water such as swimming pools and potable water may also be examined for the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The typical composition of this broth corresponds to that defined in the mandatory application directive NF EN ISO 16266 & NF T90-421.


Magnesium sulfate, sodium molybdate and iron sulfate allow the selective growth of Pseudomonas in the medium.
Monopotassium phosphate provides a source of phosphorous.
Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic pressure.
The production of ammonia from the acetamide present in the medium by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is detected through the use of Nessler’s reagent.



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