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Cronobacter Screening Broth (CSB)
Cronobacter Screening broth is a selective enrichment media used for the detection of Cronobacter spp. in food products and ingredients intended for human consumption and the feeding of animals. It is also used for the control of production environmental samples.
The typical composition responds to that defined in the standard NF EN ISO 22964.
Available as ready-to-use medium: 50 tubes of 10 ml.
In compliance with regulatory requirements, a USDA permit (VS 16-3) is mandatory for shipments from Canada to the USA due to the inclusion of peptone, an animal byproduct.
Saccharose fermentation by Cronobacter, resulting in an acid shift in the media, is revealed by the presence of bromocresol purple, where the normal blue-violet color turns yellow.
Vancoycin is an antibiotic that inhibits secondary, primarily Gram positive, flora