Salmonella - Latex agglutination Reagents Biokar

Salmonella - Latex agglutination


CONFIRM’ Salmonella is a latex agglutination test that allows for the confirmation of presumed positive colonies of Salmonella, after purification. CONFIRM’ Salmonella is also used as a means of confirmation in the context of the rapid, alternative method of Salmonella detection (IRIS Salmonella®), without a purification step, directly from a characteristic magenta colony isolated on IRIS media.

The IRIS Salmonella® method of Salmonella detection is certified by AFNOR Certification, under Attestation N° BKR 23/07 – 10/11.


Specific polyvalent antiserums to flagellar and somatic antigens of Salmonella have been prepared. The purified antibodies have been fixed to latex particles. In the presence of Salmonella, the latex particles will agglutinate rapidly to form aggregates visible to the naked eye.

The negative control solution is a preparation of physiological water, with added sodium azide.
The positive control solution is an inactivated preparation of Salmonella antigens. Sodium azide is added as a conservation agent.
The kit allows the revelation of Salmonella belonging to the groups O:2 to O:52.

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